Reference Services
Explore the Norwell Public Library Reference Services
Reference Department
The Reference Department provides a vast range of print and electronic information resources in addition to professional staff who are eager to assist with your research needs. Please don’t hesitate to stop by for help. You can also contact the Reference Department at 781-659-2015 x116 or noref@ocln.org.
The Library offers ten public computer workstations that provide catalog searching, word processing, and free internet access. Wireless internet access is also available throughout the Library. The Library also offers the use of a scanner (free) and a printer/copier that is connected to all public computers ($0.15/page for black and white; $0.75/page for color).
Interlibrary Loan
If an item cannot be found in the OCLN catalog, try searching the Commonwealth Catalog which includes nearby library networks throughout the state. If the item you are looking for still cannot be located, you can place an Interlibrary Loan Request at the Reference Desk or online.
Tax Forms
Federal and state tax forms and publications are available during tax season. To access them online, please visit www.irs.gov and www.mass.gov.
Central Register | Goods and Services Bulletin
Click here for online access to current and back issues of the Central Register and Good and Services Bulletin, published by the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Norwell Mariner Newspaper
The Library retains back issues of the Norwell Mariner in print for one year. Digital issues are available through our Newsbank Database back to 2005.
Norwell Town Reports and Norwell High School Yearbooks
Thanks to a Digital Commonwealth initiative, funded by an LSTA grant and administered by the Boston Public Library, Norwell town reports and Norwell High School Yearbooks have been digitized and are available online. Click here to browse/download reports or yearbooks.
Reader Advisory Service
Staff is available to offer reading suggestions. The Library also offers an excellent database resource called NoveList Plus, which offers multiple search options to help you hone in on that perfect next book.
The Norwell Public Library offers a number of reference databases to assist patrons in their research needs. We offer databases geared toward all ages covering a huge range of topics, including business, consumer goods, genealogy, sciences, history, literature, and newspaper articles. All databases are accessible through the computers at the Norwell Public Library. Most of these databases are also accessible from home, with a few exceptions. Please check the Databases page for a full list and additional details. Funding for these databases is provided by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) and the Norwell Public Library.